On your marks..get set…
Your brand effectively becomes the starter pistol. The world holding its breath in anticipation, waiting for you to say The Word..
The associations of momentarily pending action around this common phrase enables a rich stream of inherent brand equity to flow into this brand.
Like a good modern novel, film or game, comes in at just the right point for you to tell your story. The new user is dropped into the fray with no forewarning, instantly drawn into the action, engaging with your brand in a heightened setting where emotions are just about to pop off.
Their mind naturally jumping to questions like ‘To what?’, ‘Why?’ and ‘How do I play?’
Yet, for all its authority, the SayGo starter pistol doesn’t shut out the user. Rather, they feel that they are already participating, being listened to.
As a brand, you say go, but you’re also the company that sells the possibility for the user to go. A reliable facilitator that encourages the user to take the lead — by saying ‘go’.
In this way, a powerful symbiosis between company and user is formed. The domain thus successfully engages the new user and builds a basis for long-term interaction, fostering a sense of empowerment and responsiveness. injects a lively, evergreen sense of heightened tension that provokes an instinctive response within humans. After all, the right amount of tension is what gives life its charm …makes it worth living …..or able to live at all!
Use case limited only by the imagination of the brand owner.

Extras: Logo.
Touchwords:Incite = Excite.
On your marks..get set…your brand becomes the starter pistol!
The world holds its breath in anticipation, waiting for you to say The Word. Associations of momentarily pending action around this phrase enable a rich stream of inherent brand equity flow through this brand.
And injects heighted tension. After all, the right amount of tension is what gives life its charm.
On your marks..get set…your brand becomes the starter pistol!
The world holds its breath in anticipation, waiting for you to say The Word. Associations of momentarily pending action around this phrase enable a rich stream of inherent brand equity flow through this brand.
And injects heighted tension. After all, the right amount of tension is what gives life its charm.