Be ‘The Watcher’
With time passing since the introduction of the wider range of generic domain extensions, the trend has been to treat the second-level domain (left of the dot) with ever greater respect. With the wide selection of extensions leading the keyword to be viewed as the common factor, rather than the extension.
So, for example, being seen as having far more in common with or than another domain on the .cam extension.
Collectible one-word new gTLDs
In this way, ‘new G’ domains with strong one-word keywords have become ever more sought after, traded and ranked among holders, like interchangeable commodities.
A trend which the NFT revolution has helped further propel. Likely because it expands the concept of what a unit of an intangible digital asset like a domain or a token looks like. Concerns the mind with swapping, ranking and holding unique yet broadly equatable objects.
And because generic extension domains with a strong keyword like also make for great brands, their importance continues to rise. Aligned of course with the rise or fall of the associated industry, which still somewhat anchors market value.
Extras:Logo. Comprehensive brand package.
Touchwords:Neat. Nippy. Nuanced.
Brand Defense Package
In the case of, the branding proposition is helped out by erasing the hard-to-read double ‘c’ that would appear in the .com version. The use of the ‘new G’ extension helps facilitate the placing of the keyword in all capitals, as this is the form used for stock tickers like BTC.
Camel case is certainly useful in creating a brand capable of searing into the mind of the user, but not if it causes unnecessary confusion. The domain would simply be a completely different proposition, if you ask us − and perhaps one that would not get off the ground.
In fact, we’re sure it won’t get off the ground. popX has hunted down this branding space across each of the major extensions. This means a unique opportunity for the buyer of to lock down the branding space. Leaving them free to focus on treading their straighter path to brand dominance.
Nonetheless, the .COM equivalent of this brand,, is included with the gTLD brand

The .CAM extension
So it is that tight ‘new G’ domains like in a vibrant industry are ever more difficult to obtain.
Going by the number of registrations and the prominence of .cam domains online, it sits among the more popular new generic extensions. Probably because it has a very clear use case, with a domain set in this extension thus useful for sending a clear intention to potential users. .cam is also short and quite memorable.
CAM is also a very common acronym across various fields, including multiple IT uses (Cellular AutoMaton, Computer-Aided Manufacturing/Mapping/Methods, etc.)
There were some fears at launch time over potential confusion between ‘.com’ and ‘.cam’, but this thinking has probably only increased the worth of the .cam extension. Highlighting that it’s an extension that is just as snappy, memorable and easy to say as the far older and more established .com. as ‘The Watcher’
On how best to use, really any site that involves bitcoin and cams of some kind would work great. There is also perhaps a more ‘off the label’ application possible if the brand expands the concept of ‘cam’ beyond the physical interpretation of this object…
Like many trading markets, the crypto scene has multiple apps, firms and blogs that record, watch and document different types of crypto market data. Although far younger than comparable arenas, this is especially prominent in the fast-paced crypto space due to the underlying tech considerations moving the market. In recent years, the rising popularity of ‘on-chain analysis’ has propelled a slew of techies, traders and influencers to BTC stardom.
Tight generic extension domains like this make for stylish brands. would suit really any site involving bitcoin and cams of some kind.
Or expand the concept concept of ‘cam’ beyond the physical interpretation — as The Watcher.
Tight generic extension domains like this make for stylish brands. would suit really any site involving bitcoin and cams of some kind.
Or expand the concept concept of ‘cam’ beyond the physical interpretation — as The Watcher.