CC Domains
For over a decade, key tech players have used repurposed country code top-level domains (CC TLDs) for their branding. CC extensions like .co, .io and .vc. have emerged as especially popular.
If used correctly such extensions produce targeted impact and send a clear message on intent and positioning. That is, they do exactly what the perfect domain is meant to do: Push your brand to the fore and take the first marketing step for you.
If combined with suitable characters in the second-level domain, i.e. to the left of the dot, a killer .co, .io or .vc can mean you instantly get your foot in the door. This is because, after years of adaptation, internet users are savvy to the symbolism behind these repurposed CC extensions.
Far from confusing the user or inhibiting intent, a well-deployed CC domain will draw in targeted users from the internet footfall. This is because they have each gained traction in a particular area..