Retroactive early mover advantage..
Just a neat, beautiful brand. Short, elegant and inviting, sits at the juncture of the NFT revolution and what it is to be a fan in the post-COVID world.
This really is a solid play for the future. We’ve already seen much cross-pollination between these two spaces, with lockdown speeding up the process, but it is only a matter of time before the definitive NFT fan platform comes to dominate the space.
Is the category-killer?
There are several factors suggesting that, with the right backing, this could well be the case..
- It’s six letters long, yet fits in the two target keywords.
- Its highly pronounceable, using the ‘n’ as a phonetic fulcrum that adds clarity to both keywords.
- It’s aligned with its purpose, as it is playful, ever so slightly puny, and feels light, promising fun and engagement ahead!
- It has the potential to become the generic term for an entire class of NFTs.
Nailing the optimum phonetics
On the flipside of the analysis, the movement from the first word to the second is not entirely seamless, but this arguably helps the flow. The absence of a second ‘n’ encouraging the speaker to linger on the ‘n’ that is there, enunciating it full and thus drawing out both of the two words.
Once you say it a couple of times, Fanfts is actually all the more memorable on account of this phonetical structure.
Early on in the NFT scene, we went through all the possible permutations for such a fan-focused NFT domain, finding the closest a brand can get if it is to hit these two keywords sharply. Without moving the goalposts or impeding the flow, that is.
Both NFTfans and FanNFTs are out there, but in the final evaluation fall below the precision achieved by Fanfts.
Fusing construction and concept
Running the word ‘fan’ first also suggests a user-centric focus and means the brand benefits from traces of positive associations with this construction. The user has heard of ‘fanclubs’ and ‘fanzines’, now fulfil their fantasy and show them what ‘fanfts’ bring to their world.
Staying on this more conceptual level, the construction also suggests symbiotic flow from one element to the next. The metaphorical bellows fan the flames of the NFT revolution to produce the ultimate experience for those permitted entry. Fa⊱n⊱fts.
As regards stylizing, our preference would be to simply capitalize the opening letter, safe in the knowledge that as NFTs become ever more common in print, the strict acronym usage will continue to fall away. (How many times have you read the lowercase acronym-cum-word ‘covid’?)

Extras:Logo. Brand defense package.
Touchwords:Fun. Friendly. Fulfilling.
Brand defense package of domains
During the course of our hunt for the optimum NFT fan doman, we decided to also acquire the various lesser domains, rather than leave them on the table as potential loopholes.
So, a useful package of domains come with Some of which are really quite brandable in their own right.
However, in the grander scheme of things, these alternative brands and variations are likely of greater use to the future owner of Bolstering their brand equity by helping to close down viable ways into the wider branding space.
Just a beautifully compact, neat brand.
Short, elegant and inviting, Fanfts stands at the juncture of the NFT revolution and what it means to be a fan in the post-COVID world. Could this be the category killer?
Just a beautifully compact, neat brand.
Short, elegant and inviting, Fanfts stands at the juncture of the NFT revolution and what it means to be a fan in the post-COVID world. Could this be the category killer?