Target the adventurers..
Part of the Highly Disruptive range, this is not a brand for the faint-hearted. So, if you’ve a benchful of shareholders to appease, is not on of the ‘‘safe pairs of hands’ on your brand candidate list. However, if you happen to be in a position to fly freer, what it can bring to the table is certainly worth examining..
The brand proposition of works differently. While it doesn’t travel the same channel as cleaner cuts, it does reach the destination: An intrigued user, stirred into action by the proposal put forward.
Moreover, because the route travelled is indeed different, the user arrives at the offering engagement point with a different expectation.
The more cleancut brand has brought you, the online traveller, to the station. The chauffeur ride there was entirely unremarkable.
Now you arrive via the Filth path…
You’re roughed up, sporting a bruise or two, a little jumpy from the whole ordeal. The juices are flowing and you’ve already undergone an initiation of sorts.
Touchwords:Provocative. Pushy. Perilous.
Embarking the platform, you see, chauffeur-fresh and bushytailed, the clean traveller standing waiting for the adventure to begin. They have yet to board your brand.
But the traveller is already aboard. At least those who didn’t instantly run away.
You checked them in early..
Asked for directions to the station, nudged the user down a dimly lit alley. In that one micro instant, it had their way with them. Then forced them to stumble through the streets.

A typical Highly Disruptive ‘percentage play’
Like with pleasing your stakeholders, is a straight-up ‘percentage play’, only it works the other way around. If your backers are keen on securing a brand that could potentiall appeal to 80% of the demographic, the target would be closer to 20%.
You will instantly cut out a large chunk of the pack, but usher in a smaller number of more adventurous stragglers.
If targeted, niched down customers are what you’re after, the risk-reward ratio of is surely nonetheless fairly high. Just don’t expect the masses.
But does a country have to rich and abundant for a citizen to be wealthy and well?
As regard use potential cases, please, please, please can somebody make this a fancy-dancy house cleaning app, or something to do with chores or cleaning schedules.
Honestly, if you can promise that one day we’ll open and it’ll be the perfect anti-branding affair focused on cleaning, we’ll do our best so that you get this name.
We’ll can even extend that to more abstract interpretations of the ‘cleaning’ concept. Such as services that manage your digital footprint, etc. But, if that’s your target niche and branding angle, we’re pretty sure that will be your first choice.
Part of the Highly Disruptive range, this is a brand that stirs.
If you’re in a position to fly freer when developing your brand, it’s worth exploring.
The brand proposition here works differently, as it looks to evoke a deeper reaction in the user and force them to engage with your offering.
Part of the Highly Disruptive range, this is a brand that stirs.
If you’re in a position to fly freer when developing your brand, it’s worth exploring.
The brand proposition here works differently, as it looks to evoke a deeper reaction in the user and force them to engage with your offering.