Time to tokenize the planet?
Isn’t it nice to behold a domain that does exactly what it ought, occupies the correct place in its universe? At a time when it ought be doing what it ought? The right place and the right time: Empires have emerged from less.
Fractional NFTs look set to become the preferred way of gaining exposure to high-quality NFT projects, but also to a conceivably unending range of assets.
Put simply, FNFTs are the logical next stage of the tokenizing process. Allowing a greater depth of interchangeability and injecting the NFT space with the ability to scale — at a crucial time in its development.
The branding proposition
FNFTs.net is a supertight, hit-the-nail-on-the-head digital asset that would suit a wide range of projects.
The .net extension would also serve to boost the credentials of any offering dealing with more technical aspects. Such as a platform providing insight into the on-chain data of FNFTs or an index of some kind.
A nice B2B project is also possible here.
This domain actually comes as a package with FNFTs.io, so the owner can decide which way they will take it — while holding down two key branding positions in this emerging niche. FNFTs.io obviously also has a lot going for it, although lacking the legacy tech credentials of the .net extension.
For those not entirely familiar with the concept of fractional ownership via the blockchain, check out the futurist blog article ‘Will FNFTs S(l)ave the World?’ — for a deeper dive into how FNFTs are tokenizing the planet.

Extras: Logo. FNFTs.io.
Touchwords:Fractional. Functional. Financial.
A domain that does exactly what it ought.
Fractional NFTs are set to become the preferred way to gain exposure to high-quality NFT projects. Because, put simply, FNFTs are the logical endpoint of the tokenizing process.
Comes with FNFTs.io, so the owner can decide which way they will take it — while holding down two key branding positions in this emerging niche.
A domain that does exactly what it ought.
Fractional NFTs are set to become the preferred way to gain exposure to high-quality NFT projects. Because, put simply, FNFTs are the logical endpoint of the tokenizing process.
Comes with FNFTs.io, so the owner can decide which way they will take it — while holding down two key branding positions in this emerging niche.