
An end to hypocrisy?

A popX Highly Disruptive name, this is surely pushing the limit of what a mainstream brand can hope to get away with. But what’s stopping it from working?

Viewing it from a purely analytical POV, it’s a short, neat little word that has a large user base (no matter how much you’d like to think otherwise). It has embedded cultural relevance and stirs instant reactions and association among its audience. Why, it’ll even across multiple world markets!

If you recognized these attributes in nearly any other word, you’d call your backer ASAP, insisting that must be your brand.

But for some reason, this word is different.

For one thing, has you in a heightened state of engagement. In one way or another. At least compared to your averag word ‘borderline’ or ‘brave’, say.

Words as arbitrary symbols

Words hold the power we attribute to them. But they are only words, arbitrary symbols assigned/ascribed to intangible entities like sounds and ideas. They are merely pointers, used because grunts or whistles allow for but a limited lexicon.

It is only our channelling of energy that gives words the charge they carry, makes them consequential and weighty.

And words can thus not evoke such feelings without the informing context. If you called your mates a ‘bunch of fucks’ 200 years ago, they’d have little idea what you were on about. But call them a bunch of ‘hornswogglers’, ‘chisellers’ or ‘mumbling coves’ and ’twas fightin’ time!

The question therefore is how to gauge the English-language plural noun/verb in the third-person singular ‘fucks’.

Are people ready to see in branded script what they hear each day and read in forums? Or should we let the illusion of perceived propriety on this term linger on another decade or two?

Let’s see which way the winds blow.

You will be able to tell when they’ve changed and the need for hypocrisy on this word is finally unfashionable — you’ll notice your (grand)kid has just posted a link to fucks.co!

Extras:Logo set (including alts and mockups). Explicit-free interaction (not guaranteed).

Touchwords:Proper. Improper. Props.

Cute as Fucks

This dictionary word is also such that this domain acts more as an empty vessel than most. Not surprisingly really, seeing as its cast from one of the most flexible words in the English language!

The construction of Fucks.co in particular suggests that it might be one of the first to land that pontoon bridge on the other side of hypocrisy. This is because appearing in the plural form and set in the .co extension, the word is cutesified and a layer of playfulness is injected into the affair. Providing you with more cover than alternatives, especially on first encounter..

Far from being told to fuck, the user is instead pulled into a monolog of sorts. Is it a company that sells fucks, to fucks, about fucks?

And if this hits, then you may have broken down their defenses enough to spur further engagement. Styling the entire brand in lower case might also help to disarm shier/veerer-awayers that teensier bit further.

popX Blog

A popX Highly Disruptive name that pushes the limit of what a mainstream brand can get away with.

Words hold the power we attribute to them. But they are only words, arbitrary symbols ascribed to intangible entities like sounds and ideas.

Are people ready to see in branded script what they hear each day and read in forums?


A popX Highly Disruptive name that pushes the limit of what a mainstream brand can get away with.

Words hold the power we attribute to them. But they are only words, arbitrary symbols ascribed to intangible entities like sounds and ideas.

Are people ready to see in branded script what they hear each day and read in forums?