Call the bipeds forth..

A major allure of the NFTwalk brand is its straight-up brevity and clarity. The presence of the verb makes its call-to-action very direct and it’s the only effective way that this powerful verb can be used in a compact structure containing ‘NFT’.

The composition draws on the inherent meaning enjoyed by this structure: a short word appendaged by ‘walk’ — as seen in verbs like ‘jaywalk’ and ‘moonwalk’.

The brand construction also draws on the trace in the public consciousness to nouns like ‘catwalk’ and ‘sidewalk’. The latter being already picked up in media pieces on celebrity endorsement in this space — the “NFT walk of fame”, etc.

Many top firms use ‘walk’ in their brand, including, of course, the iconic walker featured in the world’s top-selling whisky. At the heart of the power of a brand like NFTwalk lies the (pro)active movement of ‘walk’, a verb/noun that’s arguably like no other.


Touchwords: Straight-up. Snappy. Slick.

A snazzy brand that will get you moving.

Like other iconic ‘walk’ brands, the power of NFTwalk lies in the active movement of this verb/noun. Issuing a call to action that resonates with humans like no other.

NFTwalk stands ready for any NFT project looking to underline the urban credentials of their offering — or any number of walk-to-earn, flying sneaker, fashion strut apps!

This is because in just four compact letters, an atavistic clarion call is issued. One that cuts deep into the human psyche. A call-to-action that draws on our history as a species, invoking the call of the biped.

Even the most sedentary human you know possesses a deeply ingrained response to the word ‘walk’. In that, they feel called to respond in some way. Such words are few and far between.

NFTwalk stands ready for any NFT space project looking to underline the urban credentials of their offering — or any number of walk-to-earn, flying sneaker, fashion strut apps!

The popX Domain Package

A snazzy brand that’ll get you moving.

Like other iconic ‘walk’ brands, the power of NFTwalk lies in the active movement of this verb/noun. Issuing a call to action that resonates with humans like no other.

NFTwalk stands ready for any NFT project looking to underline the urban credentials of their offering — or any number of walk-to-earn, flying sneaker, fashion strut apps!

A snazzy brand that’ll get you moving.

Like other iconic ‘walk’ brands, the power of NFTwalk lies in the active movement of this verb/noun. Issuing a call to action that resonates with humans like no other.

NFTwalk stands ready for any NFT project looking to underline the urban credentials of their offering — or any number of walk-to-earn, flying sneaker, fashion strut apps!