The Easy Path to Success..
The superclean ccTLD Easy.fm is another .FM domain emitting bright, yet authoritative messaging from the off. Easy.fm is set in a fun yet targeted extension seeing growing adoption among savvy players in a whole host of areas, some of them more connected to the music industry than others.
Take it, Easy!
Even the most conservative, dotcommaxi brander would have to admit that the short, flowing and kind of dancey, for some reason, Easy.fm makes for a delectably tight brand and memorable. It’s cute and cheer allowing the marketer to smoothly accomplish the main tasks they expect their domain to help them with.
That is: quickly introduce your brand and encourage the viewer (or hearer, a radiospot telling your audience to visit ‘easy dot ef em’ would surely pass the, erm, radio test) to engage further with your offering. As far as what a domain can do for in the area, Easy.fm is up there in among the higher quintile.
Easy Differentiation
Plus it accomplishes this by being different, but just different enough. The owner doesn’t make any low risk:reward moves. They start off with the most easy word to remember, then pair this with the funky .FM domain extension.
So, even those not yet familiar with this ‘alt’ domain extension will have little trouble in recalling it, and quickly getting/imagining what the site is all about.
And you can pull this instant differetiation off precisely because you’ve chosen your target keyword so savvily..
Extras: Logo. .FM Extension Profile Pack.
Touchwords:Light. Lush. Lax.
Tight, Upbeat Branding
You gotta love the idea that you can use the visually playful and appealing, yet flexible and expansive adjective ‘easy’ to convey your messaging in such a tight little 6-letter domain. Even typing it into your browser is easy and fun – try it.
In fact, you manage to send this assured message of value and promise to your audience so succinctly, and with such tremendous ease, that it self-reinforces the central attribute of your brand!
Easy to the Max
This is yet another popX domain where really every inch of the real estate is leveraged, each letter flowing into the next in a perfectly loopy cupola that does everything, is never shaken, and yet seems to do very little indeed. Ah, if only all of the human folk would see that if you find an automatic way to win without manually trying, this is actually what make it look ‘easy’ to 99,9% of people. Not luck, nor the ill-gotten proceeds of tricky business.
Alas, we live a world where everyone wants the cheat code but none know how to ‘cheat’ the easy way! If you see it, you see it. And Easy.fm is right up your alley. Not to mention the hundreds of radio stations called ‘easy’, be they easy listening or otherwise.
Exploring .FM Branding
We’ve already done some high-value deep dives on alternative domain extensions, and indeed, on .FM domains in particular. Plus the in-depth domain reviews for the current Easy.fm running mates on the popX rotation — Love.fm and Smooth.fm, and Tap.fm — also explore the various qualities of this exciting domain extension.
So, we’ll keep wrap up this review here. Besides, the appeal of the Easy.fm brand is so effortless and self-apparent that there’s little need to scratch the paint harder. Much better to simply sit back and bask in a delightful brand, subtly warming up particular parts of your brain so that, before you know it, you’ve tuned in to the Easy.fm vibe and are letting in all ease out of you..
Ready to make it easy for yourself?

A superclean .FM domain emitting bright, yet authoritative messaging from the off. Easy.fm is set in a fun yet targeted extension seeing growing adoption among savvy players in a host of areas.
Cute, cheerful and seamless, discover why you should consider tuning in to the Easy.fm vibe..
A superclean .FM domain emitting bright, yet authoritative messaging from the off. Easy.fm is set in a fun yet targeted extension seeing growing adoption among savvy players in a host of areas.
Cute, cheerful and seamless, discover why you should consider tuning in to the Easy.fm vibe..