Take a Walk on Wildside..
Yet another playful alternative domain extension brand from popX that captures the imagination! It’s a dictionary word set in the bang-on-point .XYZ extension.
If you know your audience like you think you do, this is the brand for you..
Feed (on) the Nerds
As one the clearest trending domains extensions over the past decade, .XYZ is all about innovation and being ‘with it’. But unlike other breakout extension like .IO or .VC, brands set in .XYZ typically carry a very strong air of community about them. Especially among those who know their way around a backend and have never owned an actual e.g. leather wallet.
The savvy mainstream that in previous generations were called ‘nerds’ (and the next are simply called ‘boss’; or ‘yes, boss, right away’ (if too petrified of appearing informal with your particular overlord).
In walks the sky
It is in/due to such a cultish setting that the domain thrives. With so many strong communities rapidly developing around .XYZ homes, the messaging of a such a domain as this is sure to gain traction, or rather walk with the stars, fly to the moon, etc., etc., etc.
While community and in-ness may be XYZ’s thing, every powerful extension that manages to place itself a cut above is driven by identifiable (albeit largely intangible) core drivers, or related ‘readings’ of the branding connected to that extension. .CO .IO and .VC, etc, have all gradually (been perceived to have) taken on particular characteristics, with this later spilling over into broader growth of the extension through/alongside/driving increased adoption.
Steeped in meaning thus comes ready steeped in meaning from several sources. Emanating from interpretations of this dictionary word for a person who walks at high altitude; most famously the steelworkers who worked high above the city, building the skyscrapers of the 20th century (and, more recently those professionals who ply their trade between those very skyscrapers, just for kicks).
And creatively fastening these associations in place via the creative .XYZ extension, to produce a brand that gels together seamlessly and is both fun and memorable. Appearing to have an easily flowing, affable and ingratiating persona from the user’s perspective.
Extras: Logo Set. .XYZ Strategy Pack.
Touchwords:Fun. Adventurous. Heady.
Gaining brand traction
Continuing the treatment of what makes an .XYZ brand like Skywalker such a powerful tool for pulling in and retaining users, we should also note a next step in how a domain extension gains traction — after it has become associated with certain communities in the mind of the consumer.
If a domain extension can reach critical mass, that is, a tipping point where its use can no longer be said to be restricted to the originally perceived communities, and thus is not instantly read in this ‘linear’ way when the consumer encounters a brand set in that extension, the process set in motion can become extraordinarily powerful.
Not least because a self-driving cycle develops, similar to that driving language usage itself, whereby the momentum and breadth of the brand continues to evolve and surge forward in sync (fueling and fueled by) the increase in adoption and respect it receives from an ever-diversifying and deepening pool of users.
XYZ: Beyond the Tipping Point
A point which the .XYZ extension has by most metrics recently passed, with the extension accounting for a seizable share of top sites in several rapidly growing yet already high lucrative verticals (e.g. crypto/blockchain/NFT/web3). Accompanied by sales of these digital assets on the secondary market that, in the grand scheme of things, put thousands of .XYZ domains among the most expensive domains ever sold.
The distinctly cultish aspect of .XYZ also means that if key trends temporarily weaken, the overall space is not necessarily at risk of fizzling out. Despite contractions — or simply just deeper, more slow-burning cultivation periods. We saw this in 2023, for example, with AI suddenly driving many aspects of economy and culture, and the crypto market/web3 space down and the footprint of spheres like the metaverse going off the boil as people rushed for the newest more shiny object to go up.
Yet, those who are in it for the long term know that this in no way means the death of spaces like crypto or the metaverse; with their longer term sustainability made all the more secure by the continuing onward of the loyal adherents they’ve already picked up on their (now bumpier but gradually working out the kinks) path.
A phenomenon that .XYZ has already lived through and survived to tell (the more cultivated, earned) tale. All the more powerful for the teller now knowing (that they know) that it is real.
Ready to walk on high?
Soar ahead, making this brand yours!
A playful brand set in the .XYZ still a-walking on high. This is a fun domain that instantly captures the imagination! Built as it is on a dictionary word that stirs a slew of positive associations and mental popups.
If you know your audience like you think you do, this is the brand for you..
A playful brand set in the .XYZ still a-walking on high. This is a fun domain that instantly captures the imagination! Built as it is on a dictionary word that stirs a slew of positive associations and mental popups.
If you know your audience like you think you do, this is the brand for you..