Set your brand in motion..

Yet another intriguing AI brand from popX! As we speak, AI tech is enhancing various industries and ushering in others that we never even suspected could exist..

Swirling ahead of the pack

Set in the couldn’t-be-more-on-trend .AI extension, this short one-worder is another versatile, ’empty vessel domain’ from popX. If harnessing the surely mystical power of artificial intelligence is your game, is an-oh-so-appealing domain, packaging friendly and authoritative in a neat little stroke of curvy letters.

AI gaslighting the populace

The need for trust with such an AI brand is set to become particuarly important going forward, because, as the initial hype cycle continues, a more balanced vision of the role of AI in our lives is emerging. While AI tech is getting more robust and nuance-sensitive by the day, shrinking workloads and proving itself to be an ever more capable and reliable controller, the flipside is a surreal gaslighting of the populace.

With AI tech reaching an early tiltpoint in its ascent, a strong current has become a moonsoon. And branders have been scrambling to get their hands on the prime digital real estate in the area — with 4L domains like especially steaming hot, due to the inherent trust that tends to flow from relatable domains built upon this word construction.

An uncomfortable journey

Studies have shown that the majority of humans already trust the authority of AI more than they trust that exercised by fellow humans. But AI is becoming a victim of its own success, with deep fakes of everything imaginable forcing humans to question what it is they know for real.

When you see old photos of yourself as a child turned into motion pictures, it may not be unsettling in the moment, but it may be profoundly transformative from the longer psycological perspective. In a single second, decades of mindshare you’d come to depend acnhored around that tidbit and its place in your wider cerebral landscape and personal story is ruptured.

Leading you to question what it is you actually know. What could potentially be real about you or the chain of experiences that make up your perceived self.

It is not unrealistic to think that humans, at least at first, simply won’t like being put in this situation and many may reject opening themselves to such experiences, or look to pevent their proliferation in their lives or those of other members of their society. And who knows how long such luddism may go on for, or the effects it may have

In the case of the transformative photo example, such aspects would appear to be driven by the nondescript nature of the process. And, from a commercial relationship perspective, by how this conflicts with the expectation of access to a personalized or at least person-responsive user experience, but not in the profoundly intrusive way which is now possible.

With the end result being that the perceived nonchalance of the automated action does not sit well in the psyche of the user human, who may be instinctively irked that something so unique is done away with so routinely and with no being there to account for what is to you a monumental act or to suffer your ire.

Blowback ahead

While not necessarily a bad thing for humankind in the long term, the existential questions suddenly presented by engaging with AA are driving many down the rabbithole. A singularly deep one, you discover. And which, should you continue to tear at the thread, ultimately leads to the deepest hole/void/journey of them all, an existential search for meaning in which you will surely require an adept Sufi copilot if you are to safely explore its depths.

Only the future will tell us why we have come to AI at this particular point in the human journey. At a time when so much is in disorder and fragmented.

One thing that is already certain is that there will be blowback. And much collateral damage(d).

With a populace so battered by the endless flood of the modern world and much of humanity flummoxed and fatigued by attempting to fulfill their expected role in consumption maximalist society, you can bet that many will shoot the messenger.

Serving AI as ordered

While the average consumer surely is interested in what groundbreaking AI can do for them, predictably enough, what they more so want is for AI to enhance the same kind of things they already have, know about, and have a distinct desire to have more of in their life.

A characteristic which will further force the tech to grow around, and at the appropriate pace for, the majority of the market participants.

An aspect which those players looking to carve up their divvy of this not so brave new world overlook at their peril. For the future AI landscape is highly likely to be a direct reflection of who took this advice and to what extent — with the fallaways fallen away and this same measurement accounting for the amount of funding they wasted on the way out, in an attempt to fight the tide.

Because, as it stands, there is little evidence to suggest that the average consumer is ready to leave their comfort zone just because something emphatically different comes along.

That’s not how our ultra fine-tune capitalist economy works.

You’d be fooling yourself to think that firms respond to customer demand, giving them what they want, when they want it.

No. Industry-shaping players surely can also create demand and then service that demand, bristling with suddenly keen customers who just didn’t know what they were missing before.

But the customer has to be weaned more, they have to gradually be learned to value and quantify what it is they are being sold.

In the case of AI, because you can suddenly be sold thousands of different things that you didn’t previously have the opportunity to pay for doesn’t mean that you will care, or value those newly possible things.

Extras: Logo set. Brand protection domain –

Touchwords:Twirl. Swirl. Whirl.

The making of AI giants

And when the dust settles and we see who are the major AI players and what customers want enough to pay for on a regular basis, top of the pile will not be the bleeding edgers who bombarded the customer with anything and everything they saw on the backend could now be done.

Rather, it will be those who managed to cut through all the fuzz and chatter most proficiently, extended a trustworthy hand to the overwhelmed consumer, saying “You know what, this AI lark really is something, why don’t you take a look at what we can do together?”

In short, it will be those firms who fell back on good old-fashioned cultivation of a trust-based relationship and two-way exchange with their clientele.

After all, just because AI has changed, it doesn’t mean people have. Consumers still want to be informed, guided, and served something engaging and desirable, behind a shield they pay for to exist.

Coming back to the old photo→new video example, They want to trust that they won’t click on a button while late night browsing and be forced to realize that everything they ever knew to be real and right is an utter fabrication. Indeed, a fabrication, it dawns upon them, which is not even special to them or their mark in this world in any way, and seemingly available to next person for the same cost of a click. as conveyor of trust

In an operating environment characterized by such warranted customer angst, a trustworthy, neat domain like can be just the ticket.

And from a branding persepective this domain in particular is of high usefulness, as its nature even allows the marketer to touch upon this user unease in a playful way, leading them softly by the hand as a wise sufi guide should.

Into a world that is indeed unknown and emerging, but which does not have to be scary or take that from the customer which they are not prepared to give.

As any meditator or mystic worth their salt knows, you can only go as deep as you can go. As deep as you are willing to let yourself go.

A reality which, if communicated correctly, is the perfect setup for facilitating keen usage of your AI offering. And the soft, approachable stands as a tool for a firm that understands this dynamic, and sees that this particular domain can help them communicate it to their customers and backers alike.

The C.V.C.V. hex of S.U.F.I.

Perusers of the popX offering, will know that we’ve already done several deepdives into the mysticalbrandingpixiedust that is a clean, brandable word built upon the consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel construction. Suffice to note here that with a word that is itself steeped in the mystical, another layer of dexterity is added to your branding, making it feel like a cohesive unit, a well-rounded and ‘logical’ entity — no matter the angle even the most fastidious of viewers may tilt it in an attempt to look for cracks.

Endowing a timeliness which all the best brands have. And which, if you can leverage it correctly, is a highly powerful tool for achieving all brand-related goals and adding value at each step in your company’s path, and that of your customer.

Interrogate and pick at the edges all you will, domains like are crafted from bulletproof, mystical material. In the case of specifically, the end result of your intensive inspection can only be your further mesmerization by a glowing brand, which will adroitly swirl onward, its profile but polished by your perusal and with another former sceptic under its spell.

The Sufi as icon

Perhaps this power of brand also stems from the origin of the word itself, a term loanworded into English in the late 1600s, with the etymology of the original word (ṣūfī) seemingly rooted in the Arabic for ‘purity’.

In any case, this alluring four-letter word just got a serious revamp, by way of its delicate juxtaposition with the .ai extension. With the curves on each side of the dot reflecting the motif of the word itself, an interplay whose effects are further bolsetered by the playful, symmetical bounce of the three dots, up, down, and up out of scene we twirl onward. also catches the whirlwind of interest around the iconic Sufi movement seen during recent years, a trend which players from big industry to national tourism boards have been doing their best to capitalize upon.

Feel the natural mystic in the air?
Don’t let it swirl by!

Set in the couldn’t-be-more-on-trend .AI extension, this short one-worder is another versatile, ’empty vessel domain’ from popX.
If harnessing the surely mystical power of artificial intelligence is your game, is an-oh-so-appealing domain, packaging friendly and authoritative in a neat little stroke of curvy letters.