Tips for Styling gTLD Domains
This is the extended version of the domain review for Space.Bio. New sections appear outside the brackets.
You can read the compact version here.
[Another emphatic one-word domain in a popular extension. so Space.Bio is a slick domain hack for ‘space biology’, and would surely suit a biotech connected to the space industry. It could also be the ideal internet home for a biosphere venture.
But there’s also greater flexibility here, as the word ‘space’ certainly provides a great deal of, well, let’s say ‘capacity’ for interpretation. And so surely can be filled in a whole host of world (ex)changing ways.
The .bio gTLD is also one of the neater extensions: visually quite appealing and clean. It was launched with everything ‘bio’ in mind (from bioengineering and biotechs generally to biometrics and biosystematics).
.bio is also a common domain hack for sites presenting any kind of biography – profiles of people, movies, coins, etc.

For those old (G) enough to remember MySpace, the domain Space.Bio will carry even deeper connotation of profiles and info presented in this blurb form.
Space.Bio is also a good example of a case where it may be beneficial to allow the styling of the keyword to ‘spill over’ into the extension. And you can play on this effect by setting your brand font in whichever case produces the most desirable type of impact for your project.]
How to stylize a ‘new G’ brand?
When using a ‘new G’ extension for your brand, it’s usually best to only capitalize the word to the left of the dot. But styling this one as Space.Bio works quite well, as the two words gel together nicely, including in the shape of their letters. Yet they still stand their ground, the separating dot helping to keep them nicely in their respective lanes.
This dynamic brings a delicate interplay to the brand and allows for multiple readings, none of which are contradictory, but rather each add layers of interpretation and meaning.
It can be read in one go as the single word ‘spacebio’ or ‘SpaceBio’. Or a dualistic effect can be achieved, whereby it is clear that the brand involves both ‘space’ and ‘bio’, but less clear on which is subservient to other, or what is the precise power dynamic.
In short, a dialogue is present and the user becomes quickly involved in the nexus of debate/offering/effect.
Interplay across the dot
This ‘drawing in’ effect can be heightened further by using camel case here (Space.Bio), but is to some extent present in any intelligently constructed new G domain.
Indeed, this is one of the reasons why a well-chosen, concise new generic domain can be highly impactful. They have the underlying mechanics to become powerful symbols that invite the viewer to work with the representations or features present.
And so the brand has already excelled where more common domains are still getting started – the user is already engaging with the brand and onboard with the offering.
The first time you see a brand, your brain spends a little bit of time working it out. But, assuming you do see your domain as your brand, the initial opportunity for styling to impact the user may be limited.

Construct a domain that pops
Because that first engagement may well be a user seeing your URL in a list of search results.
And whether your domain is or it will appear in lower case, bland script followed by a word the user doesn’t really have to engage with intensely (.com), as they have seen it in thousands of times before in the same context.
Studies on fiction writing show that the brain doesn’t notice the ‘she/he/Sara/Tom said’ repeated down the page. Novice writers go nuts trying to avoid this by changing it for ‘she interjected’, ‘he lamented’, etc. Inevitably slowing down their expression by forcing the reader to notice the construction they’ve already ‘priced in’ to their user behavior.
But, in the hands of master writer, a delicate ‘switch up’ of the verb can actually be used to add nuance or boost an effect. Perhaps injecting an extra shade of characterization to the speaker or foreshadowing a coming event.
If, that is, the writer uses it: 1) Adeptly and 2) Sparsely.
We argue that, at this precise moment in their adoption, ‘new G’ domains can offer such an edge.
A slick, logically constructed brand like Space.Bio just pops out at the user.
Its pop all the more powerful for being set among a list of URLs for which the user’s eyes have already ‘priced in’ the domain extension.
Blockchain Artworks
This is the extended version of the domain review for Space.Bio.
Gain insight into brand styling aspects for your ‘new G’ domain!
This is the extended version of the domain review for Space.Bio.
Gain insight into brand styling aspects for your ‘new G’ domain!