One small step..
Striking, fresh, and with a sense of adventure and innovation, can help your brand quickly bounce onto the scene — and emerge at heady heights.
It’s a prime example of a popX brand that leverages the messaging impact produced by seamless geling between the second- and top-level domains (the keyword and the domain extension).
Interest in Space on the ↑🚀↑
Unlike the flailing years of past decade, we live in an era of renewed public interest in all things space. is thus beautifully situated to benefit from the continued advance of the underying mechanics of space tourism, currently producing rocket-powered tailwinds that are soaring consumer interest in taking a bold next step.
Yet, while space tourism has been around for a couple of decades already, the latest private sector dive into the space race is changing the whole game, manufacturing a new luxury industry along the way.
This is where a highly aligned customer interface like comes into its own, as the mechanics of what can be done by private firms is coupled on the commercial side with the ticket price drops we’re predicted to see during our lifetimes. Now more than at any point in the space era, the time for commecialization, consumer-packaging of space would seem to be now.
Who will Moonwalk?
Taking a moonwalk will by no means be ‘cheap’, or a gift for the masses. But, as endlessy documented, there are also a lot more superwealthy people than at any time in history. And, indeed, especially among younger generations, more people than ever preferring to spend their cash on experential consumption rather than tangible assets.
There are few experiences more unique, at least from a marketing perspective, than taking a moonwalk. So, it’s all setting up to be a marketeer’s wetdream, dovetailing nicely with the social validation factor driving purchases among younger generations.
And since it is these upcoming generations which will have the opportunity to one day take a moonwalk, it is yet another piece of the rocket-propelled momentum behind this space.
So, space tourism as a product will more likely look like a new niche of the luxury sector.
New Luxury Niche
Commerical space tourism as a service, product and concept will more likely look like a new niche of the luxury sector. Akin to high-end marine travel or sportscars. And there is likely to be much drilling down as consumer preferences develop and microniches emerge to fulfill demand.
Among those who are into it, a(ny) yacht is not a yacht, and even after you get the latest handcrafted, superlimited supercar, there will still be another ‘ultimate’ on the horizon, or a certain tuning house conditioning that you simply must have.
Humans being what they are, so too, will it be with space travel. Somewhere down the line, multiple internal classes of space tourism and inflight experiences and preferential settings are surely on the cards. With an inevitable accompanying ranking of kudos and endowed esteem emerging among our ever-fickle and chronically unfulfillable species.
For now, knowing that there is, somewhere out there in the universe, a picture of you in space is a highly desirable flex. One that many would risk life and limb for.
Moonwalk I.0 = Mountwalk 3.O
Perhaps not to dissimilar to being able to say you climbed Mt. Everest, back when it wasn’t a busy slushbucket of boomer plodders. And when it could very well have cost you life and/or limb(s) — and a tip for the sherpas.
The social credit was derived from you living to tell the tale, and having the means and courage to travel all the way back to tell that very tale. You created and subsequently accrued reoccuring value by having ‘mined’ the accomplishment, putting in effort on this particiular task disproportional to that of most other humans.
In an age of sherpa shuttles, where you click transfer on a measly USD 100k to mount the Mount, before your pudgy ass is handled back to the pamperers of First-Class Air, space travel may be just the thing to put the boost back in boasting.
At the very least, while the boffins and regulatory crowd may ensure that the whole thing is set up to not significantly test your personal fitness levels, the financial fitness of all but the 0.001% are sure to be given a workout. At this point in time, and space.
Capital Luxury
Indeed, while the luxury industry has never been more in bloom or on boom, it is the nature of the beast that the next ultimate is always just about to arrive.
So, if there is a turn of tastes and softening in the luxury industry following mass entrance of the pleb- and demi-pleb classes in recent years, space tourism may be ideally situated. Boosted by the blowback to this ‘aspirational spending’ already in play, with many wealthy consumers snubbing fashion, jewelry in favor of high-end travel experiences.
Putting the L back in luxury if through no other attribute than necessitating a high cost of entry — for what is after all a truly transient experience engaged in entirely for the value derived from that experience. Air travel was originally only for the well-to-do, but you also had the attractions offered by the destination itself, and not simply the same rural spaceport that you drove up to less than an hour ago.
Customers getting to ‘moonwalk’ inside the cabin of Richard Branson’s rocket plane is already happening. And with a hive of interest in getting humans back to the moon, it could conceivably not be too long until an actual moonwalk (of ‘our’ moon) is on the table for they of the leisure class.
Extras: Logo. Branding Flightpath(s).
Touchwords:Adventurous. Astro. Awe.
Moonwalk as (Cross-)Cultural Icon
Regardless of whether the well-heeled will soon walk on the moon, its iconic place in the common tongue of the human folk is set to stay the same, all the better for the brand
The long-term outlook for as a culturally relevant word is also helped by the fact that humans tend to latch on in their phrasing to that which comes first and so breaks the mold and remains memorable. Indeed, lingustically, we’ve proven remarkably resistant to change. If you or your parents grew up visiting ‘record shops’ that contained approximately zero (0) records, you get the point.
But that’s only of central importance to the place of on the balance sheet if you plan on taking this cosmic digital asset in the more literal sense. The various and assorted places of ‘moonwalk’ as cultural icon and symbol in the collective consciousness of the Western world and beyond has become deeply embedded. The result (and driver) of proliferation of multiple incarnations and different uses of this flexible verb/noun/adjective in pop culture, and famliarity with the term the world over.
Easy Branding Launchpad
Like all good brands, there is little need to explain too much on first sight about what it is that you, the mover behind, actually do. Leaving you free to focus precious resources on the non-branding aspects of your project! All due to the ease with which does ithe job of anchoring your branding.
Upon first encounter, the word opens doors of imagination that all you need to do is help indulge (the thoughts of) the customer by keeping your offering in some way within the broad range of this vast bank of images, tropes and connotations to which you’ve been granted instant access.
Mediocre brands have the set task of opening the door and attempting to usher in the customer, has the enviable task of simply closing the door behind them.
Styling and (Multiple) Use Cases
As regards what can sell or do, the range is really quite wide. Brands that play on the astro theme have been on boom since modern branding was even a thing. And set in the pioneering .IO domain extension, a further layer of messaging conveying the innovative outlook and contemporary relevance of this particular Moonwalk brand is added.
As regards styling, Moonwalk is a beautiful word visually and tonally, with the compound structure of the word imbuing it with tremendous balance and easy flow.
Two supercommon and connotatively rich four-letter constituent words geled together into a fresh and memorable single-word brand, with each ‘o‘ of the ensemble playfully peeping out at the potential user, as if to say “I see you, wanna come in?” There is very little more that can be expected from a brand of this type.
Ready to walk The walk?
Striking, fresh, and with a sense of adventure and innovation, can help your brand bounce onto the scene — at heady heights.
As regards what can sell or do, the range is really quite wide. Brands that play on the astro theme have been on boom since modern branding was even a thing. And set in the pioneering .IO domain extension, a further layer of messaging conveying the innovative outlook and contemporary relevance of this particular Moonwalk brand is added.
Striking, fresh, and with a sense of adventure and innovation, can help your brand bounce onto the scene — at heady heights.
As regards what can sell or do, the range is really quite wide. Brands that play on the astro theme have been on boom since modern branding was even a thing. And set in the pioneering .IO domain extension, a further layer of messaging conveying the innovative outlook and contemporary relevance of this particular Moonwalk brand is added.